
How often do you hear this?

Stephen Burridge

05 September 2022

Generic putting image

We’ll say all sorts to console a friend after a missed putt, or maybe even to wind-up them up in a friendly match. Some of them (‘never up, never in’) hold some weight, while others (‘looks like your ball’s afraid of the dark’) are just fun. So, which of these do you often hear or use when out playing with your weekly fourball?

Golf's best sayings

Straight & firm

Ah, the old ‘speed vs. break’ conundrum! Can you take the break out of the equation by simply hitting, as they say, straight & firm? The harder you hit the ball, the faster it travels and the less it will break, but the two components have to work in tandem; you can’t just ignore the line by hitting through it.

Never up, never in

Now we’re talking! If you don’t hit the ball hard enough to reach the hole, it won’t go in. Sound simple enough? Don’t worry, it gets complicated. You will have to also be wary of going long and be wary of what’s lurking behind the hole (could you end up putting yourself off the green? Down a hill?). Nevertheless, the saying holds true: you must make it to the hole for it to have any chance of going in.

The person who misses the best is going to win

Ben Hogan

Ben Hogan was never a huge fan of putting, but he got the job done well enough to be one of the game’s all-time greats. How? We think this quote speaks volumes as it explains that missing your first putt is fine, as long as you give yourself a short, makeable second putt. Especially true when it comes to those lengthy putts from 30 feet plus.

The solution

This is all well & good in theory but, since we’re here to help you, we should probably offer a solution. How about a putter that makes it easier to control your distance and gives you a more intimate, controlled feel in your putting?

Odyssey White Hot OG putter range

We’re talking about the Odyssey White Hot OG putter range, which includes a fan-favourite ‘Double Wide’ blade and several unique mallet shapes; each offering a different look from address. With that said, every single model boasts the White Hot OG face that represents 20 years of excellent performance.

With such a wide choice available, we’d recommend you come into the pro shop to feel how they can help you hole more putts.

browse Odyssey putters